2/27-28 Monday-Tuesday

Guiding Question: How were America and Mexico changed by the Mexican-American War? Objectives: Collaborative: Students will describe the Mexican-American war by collaboratively reading a secondary source and participating in a "Save the Last Word for Me" with a score of at least 3/4 according to the rubric. Independent: Students will work to increase their Lexile levels by determining the central ideas of an Achieve article about the California Gold Rush, completing the first four tabs, and scoring at least 75% on the activity. Standards: 8.8.6 - Describe the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican-American War including territorial settlements, the aftermath of the wars, and the effects the wars had on the lives of Americans, including Mexican Americans today. CCRA.R.1 – Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support co...