4/30-5/1 Tuesday-Wednesday
Guiding Question: What was General Sherman's strategy for ending the war? Objectives: Collaborative: Students will understand Sherman's March to the Sea by analyzing sources and responding to questions with at least 80% accuracy. Independent: Students will understand key battles of the Civil War by reading sources and responding to questions with at least 80% accuracy. Standards: 8.10 - Students analyze the multiple causes, key events, and complex consequences of the Civil War. Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: Should armies target civilians? In other words, should armies go after communities or should soldiers only fight other soldiers? Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 10 minutes: Sherman's March to the Sea Notes Independent (Voice Level 0) 45 minutes: Task 1: Battles of the Civil War - Google Classroom Early Finisher?: - The 15 week grading cycle ends this Friday. Make su...