4/11 Thursday
Instructions for Work with Substitute:
Princeton, Pepperdine, and Stanford,
I am sorry that I had to be out today but I will see you all tomorrow during our all-periods schedule. I will be checking with every student tomorrow individually to make sure you met all expectations for work with the substitute. You are expected to complete everything I have listed for you. Below you will find a list of what you need to complete:
- Do Now (Slide 1) - Write your response in your notebook
- Notes - Just like if I was there with you, copy down the highlighted notes
- Union Naval Strategy in Google Classroom - DON'T MOVE ON IN THE GOOGLE SLIDES, you'll come back to that. First complete the short Webquest in Google Classroom
- War in the East Reading - The substitute should have passed out the War in the East reading & CEAS assignment. Use the slides to highlight or underline the answers. After you have completed that, write your CLAIM, CONTEXT, AND EVIDENCE. That's it. Leave the Analysis and Significance for tomorrow with me.
- Exit Ticket
- Do Now (Slide 1) - Write your response in your notebook- Notes - Just like if I was there with you, copy down the highlighted notes
- Union Naval Strategy in Google Classroom - DON'T MOVE ON IN THE GOOGLE SLIDES, you'll come back to that. First complete the short Webquest in Google Classroom
- War in the East Reading - The substitute should have passed out the War in the East reading & CEAS assignment. Use the slides to highlight or underline the answers.
- Instead of starting the CEAS response, please finish your COUNTERCLAIM from the Advantages/Disadvantages assignment we did on Tuesday. If you were not here, there should be copies at the front of the room towards the bottom of the pile. Please raise your hand and ask to look.
- Exit Ticket
Early Finisher?:
- Have you finished all the history work in Google Classroom?
- Play an iCivics game
- Work on homework for another class
- Read a NewsELA, CNN, or Achieve article
- Read a book