11/3-4 Thursday-Friday

Guiding Question:
What can we do to help solve a problem in our community? 
What fundamental rights are guaranteed by the first ten amendments? 


Students will work to solve a problem in South Los Angeles by investigating what makes an effective action plan and then working to create their own in their small groups with at least 80% accuracy.  

Students will understand the essential rights guaranteed to them by the first ten amendments to the Constitution by completing a scavenger hunt of their textbooks with at least 80% accuracy. 


HSS.8.2.6 - Enumerate the powers of government set forth in the Constitution and the fundamental liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights
RH.6-8.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source
WHST.6-8.9 - Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
ELD B.6 - Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed.

Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
On a half sheet of paper, write today's objectives in your own words. What are the activities you will be completing and how do you know whether or not you completed them? 

Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 10 minutes: 
Bill of Rights Skit Performances

Independent (Voice Level 0) 40 minutes: 
Task 1: TCI Scavenger Hunt on the Bill of Rights in Google Classroom 

Task 2: BrainPop on the Bill of Rights - as you watch, take 7 bullet point notes and write a 7 sentence summary of the video. 

At the end of this station, reflect on the objectives you just worked to complete. On your paper you need to write whether or not you met the objective AND how you know this. For example, "Yes I met this objective because I completed all five tabs for the article, summarized everything including the dig deeper, and I scored 88% on the activity!" 

Collaborative (Voice Level .5 - 1) 40 minutes: 

As a station, research feasible (doable) action plans on dosomething.org. What do these actions have in common? Which things can 12-17 year olds actually complete successfully? 

After you have completed that activity, you will be working with your small groups to look at the issue you selected to solve in South Los Angeles. You need to begin brainstorming an Action Plan that you can present to your representative in government. If you are asking them to make a law to help solve the problem, you need to show them that you are working to solve it too! 

At the end of this station, reflect on the objective you just worked to complete. On your paper you need to write whether or not you met the objective AND how you know this. For example, "Yes, I met the objective because I was able to annotate and I am confident I answered at least 8 of the 9 questions correctly." 

Exit Ticket (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
What makes your Action Plan feasible (doable)? 

Make sure you have completed all assignments from today. 

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