1/18 Wednesday
Guiding Question:
What was the XYZ Affair?
Independent: Students will learn about political divisions during Adams' presidency and the X, Y, Z Affair by watching videos and answering questions with at least 80% accuracy.
- Describe the
country’s physical landscapes, political divisions, and territorial expansion
during the terms of the first four presidents.
RH.6-8.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source
ELD B.6 - Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed.
Do Now (Voice Level 1) 5 Minutes:
Take out any assignments that you need to turn in and rewrite today's objective on your January Objective Tracker packet.
Whole Group (Voice Level 1) 3 Minutes:
XYZ Affair Introduction
Independent (Voice Level 0) 37 Minutes:
Task 1: Use this google form to answer questions about the three videos linked below.
Video 1 - John Adams Brainpop (Username is 123dog, password is 123cat)
Task 2: Use this reading to complete your close reading assignment.
Early Finishers: Use this opportunity to complete any late work! If you have none, please watch CNN, play Free Rice, or read an article on NewsELA.
Video 1 - John Adams Brainpop (Username is 123dog, password is 123cat)
Video 2 - XYZ Affair Opera
Video 3 - XYZ Affair & Alien and Sedition Acts
Task 2: Use this reading to complete your close reading assignment.
Early Finishers: Use this opportunity to complete any late work! If you have none, please watch CNN, play Free Rice, or read an article on NewsELA.
Exit Ticket (Voice Level .5 - 1) 2 minutes:
Make sure you've completed your objective tracker, including adding + or - sign on your calendar.
XYZ Affair Close Reading Assignment. Make sure you grabbed the paper from Ms. Cobb and that you are using this reading to complete it.