1/19-20 Thursday-Friday

Guiding Question:
How did the Alien and Sedition Acts ruin Adams' political career? 

Collaborative: Students will understand the political divisions surrounding John Adams presidency by analyzing the Alien and Sedition Acts and writing a news article defending or criticizing it with a score of at least 3/4 according to the rubric. 

Independent: Students will work to increase their Lexile levels by determining the central ideas of an Achieve article about Presidential coins, completing the first four tabs, and scoring at least 75% on the activity. 


8.4.1 - Describe the country’s physical landscapes, political divisions, and territorial expansion during the terms of the first four presidents.
RH.6-8.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source
WHST.6-8.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing 
ELD B.6 - Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed.

Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
On your objective tracker, dissect the objectives you will be working to complete for today. Be prepared to explain the objectives in your own words if I call on you. 

Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 10 minutes: 
Alien and Sedition Acts Intro

Independent (Voice Level 0) 40 minutes: 

Task 1: Achieve3000, "Will These Presidents be Popular?" You need to complete the first 4 tabs for this article. 

- You only need to summarize paragraphs that are more than two sentences! You may write your summaries as bullet points for my class. 

- Achieve articles are summative grades. You cannot get higher than an NP if you did not summarize.  In order to complete a "makeup Achieve" you need to also complete the first 4 tabs and the summaries on your makeup article as well. 

Task 2: Please read this article about Trump's Inauguration. There is also a video at the top that I recommend as it talks about the inauguration of previous presidents. 

At the end of this station, complete the "next steps" portion for that station's objective. If you met the objective, write "none" in that box. 

Collaborative (Voice Level .5 - 1) 40 minutes: 
Step 1: We will popcorn read these sources about the Alien & Sedition Acts
- Source 1 USHistory.org 
- Source 2  Holt 

Step 2: You will write a news article either supporting or criticizing the Alien and Sedition acts and include at least two pieces of text evidence. Instructions are on your handout

At the end of this station, complete the "next steps" portion for that station's objective. If you met the objective, write "none" in that box. 

Exit Ticket (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
Flip to the calendar section of your Objective Tracker. Add a + for each objective you completed for today and a - for objectives you were not able to complete. 

Think of 5 ways you are going to positively impact our country over the next four years. They can be big or small actions! 

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