9/10-11 Tuesday-Wednesday

Guiding Question: 
What was the most important factor in the success of England's 13 Colonies? 

Independent: Students will determine the most important factor in the success of England's 13 Colonies by completing a DBQ with a score of at least 3/4.

RI.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
On Board
Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
DBQ Expectations
Independent (Voice Level 0) 90 minutes: 
Task 1: 13 Colonies DBQ
Task 2: Look at Google Classroom, have you completed all the assignments? A lot of you have not turned everything in. 

Early Finisher?: 
- Work on homework for another class
- Read a NewsELA, CNN, or Achieve article 
- Practice your typing 
- Read a book

Exit Ticket (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes: 
On Board

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