8/24 Wednesday
Guiding Question:
What issues are surrounding the presidential election?
Students will investigate a current event related to the election by reading an article, filling out a graphic organizer, and writing a summary with a score of 3/4 or better according to the rubric.
Students will read an informational text closely to determine how meaning is conveyed.
Students will read an informational text closely to determine how meaning is conveyed.
CCRA.R.1 – Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it
WHST.6-8.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing
ELD B.6 - Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed.
Do Now (Voice Level 1):
Current Event Quizizz. Go to www.join.quizizz.com and enter in the code that is on the projector. The class with the highest total questions correct wins a class point.
Whole Group (Voice Level 0):
Why is it important to know about the issues surrounding the Presidential election?
- Introduce article options for today
Independent (Voice Level 0):
Go to NewsELA and log in with the username "COMACobb" and the password "history".
Pick one of the following articles:
Pick one of the following articles:
OR You can also choose one of these non-NewELA articles if you'd like an additional challenge (Do not play the video without headphones if there is one AND you also need to read the article. The video only has some of the information):
Trump Postpones Immigration Speech
Fill out the graphic organizer and write your summary. Here is a rubric for your current event papers.
Early Finishers: Grab some headphones and watch today's CNN Student News OR read another article from the list above.
Fill out the graphic organizer and write your summary. Here is a rubric for your current event papers.
Early Finishers: Grab some headphones and watch today's CNN Student News OR read another article from the list above.
Whole Group (Voice Level .5 - 1):
We will be pair-sharing our current events and I will randomly select 4-5 students to share with the whole class the "5 W's" for their news story.
Finish your current event summaries.