8/16 Wednesday
Guiding Question:
How did European explorers come to North and South America?
Collaborative: Students will review 7th grade history concepts by reading about the Age of Exploration, annotating in their groups, and answering questions with at least 80% accuracy.
CCRA.R.1 – Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it
ELD B.6 - Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed.
Do Now (Voice Level 0):
Complete your objective tracker for today.
Whole Group (Voice Level 0):
Annotating Informational texts intro, go over annotation guide
Collaborative (Voice Level 0):
- Age of Exploration Close Read. Work with your groups to annotate and answer the guiding questions.
Here are sentence starters for the guiding questions.
Early Finishers: Play some history trivia!
Here are sentence starters for the guiding questions.
Early Finishers: Play some history trivia!