1/11-14 Friday-Monday
Guiding Question:
Collaborative: Students will understand the significance of Marbury v. Madison by engaging in a reader's theater activity and responding to questions in groups with at least 80% accuracy.
Independent: Students will analyze the cause and consequence of Marbury v. Madison by reading a secondary source and completing a CEAS with at least 80% accuracy.
8.4 - Students understand the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation
W.8.2 - Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes:
What do you know about the Supreme Court/Judicial Branch?
Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 10 minutes:
Marbury v. Madison Notes
Collaborative (Voice Level .5) 60 minutes:
Task 1: Read the play independently
Task 2: Reader's Theater
Task 3: Work in your groups to complete the google slides (in Google Classroom.)
Independent (Voice Level 0) 30 minutes:
Task 1: Marbury v. Madison CEAS in Google Classroom
Early Finisher?:
- Did you complete your winter break homework for my class?
- Play an iCivics game
- Work on homework for another class
- Read a NewsELA, CNN, or Achieve article
- Practice your typing
- Read a book
Exit Ticket (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes:
On board
Marbury v. Madison CEAS