1/22-23 Monday-Tuesday
Guiding Question:
Collaborative: Students will understand the causes of the War of 1812 by reading collaboratively in their groups and completing a War Hawk or War Dove propaganda poster with a score of at least 3/4 according to the rubric. Independent: Students will work to increase their Lexile levels by determining the central ideas of an Achieve article about Dolly Madison, summarizing, and scoring at least 75% on the activity.
8.5.1 - Understand the political and economic causes and consequences of the War of 1812 and know the major battles, leaders, and events that led to a final peace
CCRA.R.1 – Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
ELD A.1 - Exchanging information and ideas with others.
Do Now (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes:
On your objective tracker, dissect the objectives you will be working to complete for today. Be prepared to explain the objectives in your own words if I call on you.
Whole Group (Voice Level 0) 10 minutes:
1. Louisiana Purchase Reading Quiz (P. 1, 3, 5)
2. James Madison Intro
2. James Madison Intro
Task 1: Achieve3000, "Early Republic: The First Ladies" You need to complete the first 4 tabs for this article.
- You only need to summarize paragraphs that are more than two sentences! You may write your summaries as bullet points for my class.
- Achieve articles are summative grades. You cannot get higher than an NP if you did not summarize. In order to complete a "makeup Achieve" you need to also complete the first 4 tabs and the summaries on your makeup article as well.
Task 2: Watch the Brainpop video about James Madison and answer these questions. Early Finishers: Play a iCivics game of your choice, watch CNN10, read an article on NewsELA, complete any missing assignments, contemplate the meaning of life.
Collaborative (Voice Level .5 - 1) 40 minutes:
Step 1: Read a source about the arguments for and against going to war with England
Step 2: Snowball discussion technique in your table groups.
Step 3: What is propaganda?
Step 4: Create propaganda posters.
Exit Ticket (Voice Level 0) 5 minutes:
Flip to the calendar section of your Objective Tracker. Add a + for each objective you completed for today and a - for objectives you were not able to complete.
Make sure that you have completed the Brainpop video & questions and your propaganda poster from collaborative station.